One of the privileges of being children of God is that we have been called to walk a certain path; not a path of uncertainty. Our lives in Christ are to be as sure as our salvation. If God’s word is not good enough to guarantee certain things in our earth walk, it is not good enough to be trusted for eternity. If Gods word cannot be trusted for this life how can it be trusted in eternity? God is trust-worthy, He wants us to be as sure and certain of the outcome of our temporal life on this earth as we walk with Him, as we are of our eternal salvation in Him.
These are powerful truths. You don’t have to know all details about how your life will turn out but one thing is sure, you will come out victorious. You will not be put to shame. Isa. 55:4 says, “Fear not you will not be ashamed, you will forget the shame of your youth.”
1 Cor. 15:57 and 2 Cor. 2:14 both talk about not being put to shame and having victory. There are so many places in the word of God that guarantee us victory and He has called us to a life of divine guarantees in Him as in Prov. 4:18 which says, “The path of a just man shines brighter and brighter”. “This guarantee of Gods word shows you will go from triumph to victory. Everything satan sends your way is just a prophesy concerning your promotion. The extent of the challenges you are going through is the extent of the deliverance you will have tomorrow. You must learn to look at life through the eyes of a conqueror for Rom. 8:37says “in all of these things we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loved us and gave Himself for us”.
Gods plan is for every single negative in your life to be turned into a great positive in your life, as you learn to fear not and to trust Him. Ps. 37:37 says “mark the righteous man for his end shall be peace”. Nothing missing, nothing broken. So fear not, trust God because God does not want you afraid in life concerning how the current challenges in your life will turn out. No matter how bad things look, the Bible says in 2 Cor. 5:7 “for we walk by faith not by sight”. God’s word is to be the greatest consideration our lives. In Luke 21:25-26 concerning the situation on the earth, Jesus said there will be perplexity. Men will be totally confused, they will not have the answers to the situations in their lives. “Mens heart will fail them for fear”… Why? Because they are looking at the things that are coming upon the face of the earth. So when we begin to look at the natural circumstances of life and try to figure them out with our natural minds and begin to compare our resources with our natural mind and ability to give answers to our situation, most of the time we will find out that our reason and natural abilities are not enough to answer the natural circumstances of our lives.
God does not want us to go through life with our own resources or ability that’s why He has saved us and made us His children. He wants us to go through life with His ability and with His resources. He wants us to connect to His ability as we learn to trust Him. God’s plan for us is not to live ruled by fear. We give fear an access point to come into our lives when we begin to look at the circumstances surrounding us and become consumed with what does not seem to be going right. But if we continually ponder over these things and look at our ability to provide solutions to the situations of our life we will constantly find ourselves in most cases coming up short and that is when panic and fear begin to come in. The Bible says in Isa. 52:12 that God does not want us to go out by flight or in haste. He does not want us going through life panicking how we’re going to eat, how we’re going to live in this world, a job and about other things. You have God and trusting God is not a religious cliché. Trusting God is literally tapping into God’s divine and infinite resources and options that He has made available. It gives God glory when we learn to tap into the divine and infinite resources He has made available to us.
Fear came into the human race when Adam sinned against God by listening to satan’s voice. The first thing that showed up when Adam did so in Gen. 3 is that he hid himself. God wanted to have a talk with him and said “Adam where are you?”. Adam replied, “I heard your voice in the cool of the day and I was afraid”. Where did the fear come from? That fear was never present until Adam sinned and took upon himself the nature of the devil which exists in everyone that is not born again. That is the root of fear. Man cannot be totally delivered from fear except he’s delivered from the hand of the devil by becoming born again. When you become born again, the spirit of God removes the nature of sin and puts in the nature of God. According to 2 Cor. 5:17, you become a new creature in Christ and all things are then of God. Fear is not of God; 2 Tim. 1:7 says God has not given us a spirit of fear but the spirit of power, love and a sound mind. So fear is an enemy and anything that produces fear in your life is an enemy.
The root of all fear is that the word of God will not come to pass. Satan’s original strategy against man is to get you to a place that he discredits God and gets you to accept his discredit of God’s word in your eye. So he challenges anything that God has spoken over your life. Just like he challenged the word of the Lord in Gen. 3:1 when he asked Eve; has God said that you should not eat of any of the trees of this garden; knowing full well that God had said that. His plan was to get man to turn his back on the word of God. That is his strategy today. He has not changed and does not have the ability to change. His weapon of choice is still fear. Attacking man’s ability to believe God and discrediting God’s word, to put a question mark on Gods integrity and character is satan’s stock in trade knowing that if he can get man to refuse to believe God’s word then he can paralyze and cripple man forever and keep man bound, hostage and a slave.
Satan knows that God does nothing outside of His word. He also knows if God decides to manifest Himself in a person’s life, it is because the person has chosen to believe His word. Satan knows that God’s word is key to the release of Gods power. Ps. 107:20 said God sent His word in response to the cry of the people for deliverance. His weapon of choice is His word. His word delivered them and brought them out of their destruction. God’s economy is ruled or powered by His word. Whenever God wants to answer or deliver you, He will send you His word first. Your decision to believe that word and not be afraid will open the door for Him to operate in your life. But your decision to be afraid and refuse to believe His word will shut the door of His power and open the door for satan to operate in your life. So you, my brother, my sister, my dear friend, not satan, are the controlling and establishing witness as to how far God operates in your life. The power is in your hands. God has given you the ability to choose and decide. Deut. 30:15,19,20 says you make your choice whether to believe God or not. You have the ability to make the choice by refusing to listen to satan’s words as far as your life and circumstances are concerned.
If you choose to trust God, you open the door for God’s infinite resources, unlimited resources of deliverance to be made available to you today. Throughout the Bible we see that God constantly exhorts His people “do not be afraid”. The reason for that is to get you to a place where you can release Him to operate in your life. It is important we understand this; it is important we internalize this truth. We lay hold upon it because our deliverance and blessing is tied to it.
No matter what is going on in your life honour God by trusting Him. In 1 Sam. 2:30 the Bible says “he that honours me I will honour; he that despises me will be disdained”. Prov. 3:5-6 says trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
God has unlimited options concerning how to deliver you and you open those options when you trust Him. Even though it seems in the natural there is no way out, make up your mind to trust God and God will manifest Himself to you as the great Elshaddai, the great breasted God, the God that is more than enough and that makes provision ahead of time. He anticipates your needs and makes provision ahead of time.
As you endeavor to trust God, you must know that God is faithful. 1 Cor. 10:13 says “there is no temptation that has over taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithfull, He will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able, but will make a way to escape that you will be able to bear it”. With every situation that you are faced with in life, be it by your mistake or just the devil, as long as it is removing your peace and threatening your life and livelihood on this earth, the Bible says God has made a way of escape. How do you get to the place of escape? You trust God, by trusting something He has said concerning that issue. You must be a knowledgeable child of God. There is nothing you’ll face in this life that somebody has not gone through and overcome so you are not alone! Many times when we have a challenge, we think we are the only one on earth that has faced that problem because of how overwhelming it seems. The good news is that there is someone on earth at some time that has gone through it and overcome it. Right now there is a way of escape that has been made available to you. That is why God does not want you to look at the situation but to consider Him and what He has said to us. The Bible in 2 Tim. 2:11-13 says “if we be dead with Him we shall also live with Him, if we suffer with Him we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him He will also deny us; if we believe not He abides faithful He cannot deny Himself.” God is committed to you! Trust God. Continue to declare His words over your life. God is working behind the scenes to deliver you.
He is causing people to come your way to say or do something that will help you out. He is orchestrating things round about your life. So you must choose to see with the eyes of faith that God is bringing out a way of escape for you. Know that God loves you. Jer. 31:3 says “the Lord has appeared and said yea I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.” Rom. 5:8 says “God has commended His love to us in that while we were yet sinners He saved us”.
God had made the way of salvation for you; even when you wanted nothing to do with Him, God wanted everything to do with you. John 17:23 says “you have loved them as you have loved me.” God loves us with the same love as He loves Jesus. Rom 8:32 says “if God did not spare Jesus how shall He not also freely give us all things?” 1 John 4:16 says “we have known and have believed the love that God has to us; God is love and God loves us”. 1 John 4:17-18 says “Perfect love casts out all fear.” When you know that God loves you, you will know that right now of a certainty God is making a way for you. That is enough grounds for you to trust God. Refuse to be afraid. Choose to trust God. Choose to believe that God is making a way for you right now.
God does not want your life on earth to be like hell and does not want you to go to hell. The sacrifice of Jesus is God’s love act and it is so that your eternal destiny and your temporal destiny can be taken care of. Jesus is the way out of eternal and temporal damnation. Receive Him today. Renew your walk with God and open the door for the greatest move of God in your life.